
Looking like a fool

With your pants on the ground!

Anyone catch idol last night? Well usually I do not as I don’t care for it but it happened to be on and the most hilarious thing occured when 62 year old General Larry Platt broke out into his original tune about people who wear their pants on the ground.

This song has been stuck in my head since last night and it is now all over youtube, there are a few videos of last nights broadcast that top the 50k view mark and 1 that is 100k+.

Anyways, this morning I try to share this amusing piece of now internet and tv history with my classmates at work and they all break out into labeling me a pansy for watching idol! Bastards! As punishment for their noncooperation I un muted my laptop and played it a few times in class and they now also cannot get it out of their heads.

That’ll learn ’em

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  1. I.. just saw it.. and laughed.

  2. Excellent

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