
The commute

A brief photo summary of my daily adventure.

6:30am Sue drives me to the train station

6:40am GO Bus to Burlington!

8:00am Burlington Go station

8:14 am Route 8, Harvester East

8:45am Work!

5:41 pm Route 8 North Service road

6:00pm Burlington Go station ticket booths

7:45pm Niagara Falls bus terminal

8:15pm Jubilee route leaving Main st

8:20pm: The end.

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  1. thats balls man 🙁 cute that sue drives you though 🙂

  2. OMG do you do this all week?

  3. Yes. If Facebook weren't shit at importing there would be pictures to go along with it.

  4. lol Hope you have stuff to keep you occupied on the commute!

  5. I sleep

  6. lol of course..I should have known that!

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