It’s been a while since a good round of Doomsday occurred but it’s back and the war is heating up!

15:47 < CrazySpence> someone better reign in that ganborro or we'll all be destroyed!
15:57 < Doomsday>  In a ground force attack, Dictator Ganborro of Anatoray has declared war on Dictator CrazySpence of Philtopia.
15:57 < Doomsday>  The citizens of Anatoray stand proud to fight the massive power of the defending force.
15:57 < Doomsday>  In a moment of victory, Dictator Ganborro of Anatoray has won the war over Dictator CrazySpence of Philtopia.
15:57 < Doomsday>  The war has ended.
15:58 < Doomsday>  In a ground force attack, Dictator CrazySpence of Philtopia has declared war on Dictator Ganborro of Anatoray.
15:58 < Doomsday>  In a moment of victory, Dictator CrazySpence of Philtopia has won the war over Dictator Ganborro of Anatoray.
15:58 < Doomsday>  The war has ended.
15:58 < Doomsday>  In a ground force attack, Dictator Ganborro of Anatoray has declared war on Dictator CrazySpence of Philtopia.
15:58 < Doomsday>  The citizens of Anatoray stand proud to fight the massive power of the defending force.
15:58 < Doomsday>  The defense of Dictator CrazySpence counter-attacks Dictator Ganborro and eliminates 80% of the advancing force.
15:58 < Doomsday>  The war has ended.
15:59 < Doomsday>  In a ground force attack, Dictator CrazySpence of Philtopia has declared war on Dictator Ganborro of Anatoray.
15:59 < Doomsday>  The people of Philtopia demand someone pay for the attacks against their nation
15:59 < Doomsday>  The citizens of Anatoray scramble in terror at the massive power of the attacking forces.
15:59 < Doomsday>  In a moment of victory, Dictator CrazySpence of Philtopia has won the war over Dictator Ganborro of Anatoray.
15:59 < Doomsday>  The war has ended.
16:00 < Doomsday>  The dust settles for a brief moment...
16:00 < Doomsday>  Taxes collected and wages paid, a month has passed. Go on great nations and continue to conquer.
16:00 < Doomsday>  In a ground force attack, Dictator Ganborro of Anatoray has declared war on Dictator Serco of SercoLand.
16:00 < Doomsday>  The citizens of Anatoray stand proud to fight the massive power of the defending force.
16:00 < Doomsday>  In a moment of victory, Dictator Ganborro of Anatoray has won the war over Dictator Serco of SercoLand.
16:00 < Doomsday>  The war has ended.
16:01 < Doomsday>  In a ground force attack, Dictator Ganborro of Anatoray has declared war on Dictator ESX of ESXLand.
16:01 < Doomsday>  The citizens of Anatoray stand proud to fight the massive power of the defending force.
16:01 < Doomsday>  In a moment of victory, Dictator Ganborro of Anatoray has won the war over Dictator ESX of ESXLand.
16:01 < Doomsday>  The war has ended.
16:01 < CrazySpence> see what i mean? he's out to get everyone

Doomsday is a text based strategy game where your goal is to build up a large nation and escape via space shuttle before Earth is annihilated by an asteroid. It has existed for a long time in many forms evolving from an ancient IRC bot on undernet to a reimagined Perl based IRC game in 2003, moving into client/server in 2007 and finally the current Doomsday website in 2011. Many warriors have come and gone but some, like Ganborro, Keep hanging around to keep me from that wonderful achievement of Victory.

Check out the DDAY website

Also available via classic IRC on #doomsday and #Conquest


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